The walls of ChiusiChiusi

The search for the best way to restore the wall fortification, which had been subjected to much degradation over the years, was preceded by careful stratigraphical surveys and a methodical comparison of the evidence presented by the structure itself and the historical documentation available. Historical maps initially indicated the building date to the last quarter of the eighteenth century, however a study of the materials, the construction techniques and the layout led to the discovery, in the same length of wall, of the remains of a Mediaeval tower that had been introduced into an already existing defensive city wall perimeter.

Photography & Project by Spira Srl Photography & Project by Spira Srl

The wall had at first appeared to be in a reasonable state of conservation. However after the disinfestation of plants and weeds, the wall face was revealed to be so degraded that reinforcement with horizontal concrete micropiles was needed along its entire length. For the footpath it proved necessary to remodel the ground below the wall and improve its mechanical properties in order to guarantee the overall stability of the slope. Naturalistic engineering techniques were used, with particular emphasis on the technique known as “reinforced earth”, which enables the original ground to be re-laid in consecutive thin layers compacted down onto two-way reinforced geogrills or geotextiles, thus eventually obtaining a green slope once more.

Photography & Project by Spira Srl Photography & Project by Spira Srl

Il riassetto della scarpata ha compreso altresì la riplasmazione del profilo del fianco ovest, la piantumazione di specie arboree con apparato radicale profondo, l’inserimento di graticciate in pali di castagno e la regimazione, mediante apposite canalette, delle acque superficiali. Il calpestio del camminamento, che rimonta il declivio seguendo un’ampia curvatura, è finito in calcestruzzo architettonico, mentre il muro a monte, concluso da cimasa in mattoni posti di coltello, è rivestito con lastre di travertino.

Photography & Project by Spira Srl Photography & Project by Spira Srl

Additional Info

The aim of the intervention was to restore the length of mediaeval wall alongside the former S. Stefano Conservatory and create a pedestrian link to the road network to the north of the historic centre and the parking lot in front of the education complex.
Servives rendered:
Preliminary and Developed Design, Construction Documnetation, Site Supervision and Site
The province of Siena